maandag 20 januari 2014

Hello Kitty Beer


I was Googling for the best rosé beer, which is one of my favorite alcoholic drinks, when I came across this hello kitty beer line. This line of Hello Kitty beer is brewed by the Long Chuan Beer Company near Taiwan. 

They are available in peach, banana, lime or passion fruit flavor and they contain 2.5% alcohol, which is about half of a regular beer.

In Shanghai I will be sure to hunt these babies down and try all of them. I wonder if the alcohol is noticeable, if not I'll probably love them. When I find them i'll be sure to write post about it.

zondag 19 januari 2014

Blogging again


I started this blog quite a few years ago but I did not post very often. 

I'm leaving for exchange in Shanghai pretty soon, 
so I decided to use it again to share and record my adventures. :)

Stay tuned!
